Tax Planning

Customized financial legal solutions to maximize your business's tax efficiency

Your company could be paying up to 60% more in taxes.

Lack of knowledge of tax legislation and the absence of appropriate strategies tailored to each company result in an excess tax burden. legislación fiscal y la falta de estrategias adecuadas a cada empresa, tienen como resultado un exceso en la carga impositiva.


Our Approach

With a deep understanding of Costa Rican tax legislation, we develop strategies tailored to the specific needs of each company.

This knowledge enables us to identify opportunities to apply exemptions, deductions, and tax benefits available for our clients' business sectors, resulting in savings of up to 60% for most of them.

Time is money

At Detribu, we are committed to providing professional and transparent advice, helping you optimize your tax situation legally and ethically. 


If you're looking to maximize your savings and meet your tax obligations efficiently, contact us today. podemos ayudarle a alcanzar sus objetivos financieros